Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Enchant System II


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Based on the content of the visual above, it clearly says one can "CHOOSE which STAT TO UPGRADE" but as you can see in the video, such a function is unavailable.

Instead, the said Upgrade one will receive is a miserable "+2 in every Successful Level Gained"

I have tested this as well with Cash Avatars to see if there would be a difference in Stat Upgrade. The result.. None, same +2 as that of Gold Avatars.

Based on my findings, the difference between the new and old enchant system is:

1. the new one adds a Fixed (overall) Stat and as you can see, hoping softnyx does not readjust the outcome of using just Spirit Jewel Enchanting which is all I did in testing the new system using just Spirit Jewel.. I was able to enchant all the way to Level 5. But as for the Cash Avatars I tested, I only pushed such to Level 3. *:)

2. Weekly & Monthly Avatars can now be enchanted as well! *VNS! *Thx

Old vs New Stat Distribution Sample

For those interested to enchant their Gold Avatars and create Sets according to specific Game Mode/Style, Simply look at the stats in Lv.1 then do the math =P (take the indian chief screenshot as your guide in doing so) oh and 1 more thing, those who were not able to Delevel their avatars (all the way down to Lv.1) or Pump it up all the way to Lv.10, one thing you'll notice is that those avatars (which were left at Lv.2-9) have lost  its "Aura" *T^T *NT hehe

UPDATE* as of 04-23-2010

Since now ALL avatars are enchantable, that makes it a little bit better for Gold-Only users. Then again, this new enchantment system makes it quite unfair to the new Cash players. As for this 3rd (supposed ) update/change, might I strongly suggest you consider in revising such.. and yes, I understand that Cash users still must have an advantage, but do take the following into consideration before you finally update such: 

For Gold Avatars:
Maintain the +2 stat, still from Levels 2-4
A +3 from Levels 5 to 9
and a +4 upon reaching Level 10

For Cash Avatars:
+2 from Levels 2-4
+4 for Levels 5 to 9
and a +5 upon reaching Level 10

As i've always said.. a little compromise will go a long way Softnyx. *:) 

*Thx *I Love You :D *lol

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New Enchant System

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The idea of choosing which stat to upgrade should have been done the very first time they came up with the "Enchantment" System which will give players a chance to test and show their knowledge and skill on strategy and/or tactic. Unlike the one we see now, wherein all one had to do was just purchase the necessary stones and boom you have either 100-ALL stats or close to that (depending on which avatars you choose to level up)

Lv2 ~ Lv9 Avatars will no longer be available for enchantment once the system is renewed. Obviously a means to make players rush on ruining their supposed budget /  wasting their money alotted  for something more important than a mere game enchanting their respective Avatars and/or Items to Lv10. Fine, they're giving out a 2-Step Fortune Stone Upgrade AGAIN.. plus a 50% Off during the span of time (22 Days from now) in which players have to decide to either try and delevel (which could end up destroying his/her avatar/item) their Avatars and/or Items or Level them up.


The only real compromise I see here would be for Softnyx to offer its players (who do not have the budget for this month) a means to Delevel their Avatars and/or Items. Like say.. 100,000 or 200,000 Gold per -1 in Level.. Better yet.. 

Softnyx should try this approach, and eventually both (the company and its consumers) get what they want..

1. Either 100,000 Gold or 1,000 Cash every minus in level until it reaches the desired Lv1

2. Those paying by Gold-Only will have to submit a request via Q&A and those concerned will check the players game logs to see if he/she has boosted for gold (e.g. game fixing.. free wins, free kills, f8 games etc.)

3. As for those paying by Cash, simply charge the needed amount, Q&A as well.. then the total amount will be deducted from his/her account

Think about it Softnyx, once your consumers Delevel their Avatars and/or Functional Items, the only next step is for them to Level it up. Which means, another point of transaction aka Cash Charge. :)

And for those who think 100,000 Gold is that easy to gain (regardless if one is on a 100 Pop Stat), I beg to differ. With the rate players come and go, it will take you ages to get a constant LEGIT game. What more if you were an Avatar Off player (Server 6 which 99% of the time has the most number of players) which only gives 300 Gold per win on a 1vs1.

That's why there's a less stressful, more convenient manner in getting this done and over with.. though it is gonna cost. After all, in life, most things get done faster with REAL Money. For everything else, there's exGameMasterCard *lol

Don't forget, the arrangement is that if the player would pay by Gold-Only.. their account will under go inspection. *:)

For those who would want to take part and agree with the said details, Write a Comment @ saying.. "Count Me In".

Hopefully.. You.. @ Softnyx consider such a humble request.

Oh well, My 2 Cents.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Enchantment 101

Click on Images to see Full Size *Thx 

For those new to "Enchantment" - "Enchanting"..

1. You need to know which avatars/items are "Enchantable". Those that are have a "Lv" and a corresponding Number  (depending on which Level it has reached already) appended to its name. But if you can wait till Season 3, they will be releasing 4 VERY EXCLUSIVE "ENCHANTALoL" Avatars. Punky Brown Head, Hawaiian Body, Red Nose Glass and Vampire Casket Flag. Only EnchantaLoL to Lv.10. Stats will increase by None. but at least you're cool. ahhahahahahahaha but seriously, sooner than expected, all avatars will be enchantable :)

2. Click on the avatar or item then click on "ENCHANTMENT" 

3. Click the corresponding slots which stipulate specific enchant item (Jewels / Stones) needed

4. then click on "CANCEL" Knowing you, you'll try to cheap shot it by pushing your luck with just Spirit Jewel and think you'll actually be able to reach Level 10 without destroying your Mobile Card(s), Avatar(s) and/or Item(s) "UPGRADE". 

Keep in mind that majority of players who have been kind enough to share their stupidity and cheapness experience/s have suggested that upgrading with Spirit Jewel alone on CASH Avatars should only be pushed as far as either Level 3, or if you're really stubborn and hella cheap Lucky, up to Level 4. As for GOLD Avatars, some have been really lucky as they pushing their luck and thinking they were born on the year of the RABBIT but were either too drunk or too addicted and focused on this game that they lost all common sense and started thinking that their buck-teeth were actually fangs making them feel like a TIGER at that moment *lol were able to enchant such up to Level 5. 

Do not forget, the purpose of the "Shield Stone" (as far as I know, but feel free to correct me ok? *Thx) is to guarantee that your Mobile Card/Avatar/Item does not get destroyed. but as for decrease in level? *I honestly wouldn't know.. Cash Hoarders? Anyone?

See instructional screenies instead of wasting other peoples time and asking them the same old thing every now and then  below for better understanding



Below are the Enchant Items and its prices..

The following is an estimated, not guaranteed equation/solution and is based on the majority of enchantment results by most players specially those that need a huge edge in cheapness aka compensation for lack of skill just like FHH Guild <-- Click Me XD *lol*

For Gold Avatars Only, Levels 1 to 3 and/or 4 = Spirit Jewel Only (300 Gold EA)

For Gold Avatars Only, Levels 4-10 and/or 5-10 = Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and/or Shield Stone + Fortune Stone? or should Fortune Stone be used only on Levels 6-10? (800 Cash/300 Gold vs 1,700 Cash /300 Gold vs 11,600 Cash/300 Gold)

For Cash (Low Costing) Avatars Only, Levels 1 to 3Spirit Jewel Only (300 Gold EA)

For Cash (Low Costing) Avatars Only, Levels 3 to 4 or can it be pushed to 5 as well? = combine  Spirit, Nihility and Nirvana Jewel

For Cash (Low Costing) Avatars Only, Levels 5 to 10  = Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Fortune Stone or can Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and/or Shield Stone suffice?

For Cash (High Costing) Avatars Only, Levels 1 to 4 = Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Shield Stone.
For Cash (High Costing) Avatars Only, Levels 5 to 10 = Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Fortune Stone. One usually must spend a minimum of 4 Stones to enchant successfully at these Levels

Aura Colors:
Level 1 - 4 = White
Level 5 - 6 = Yellow
Level 7 - 8 = Green
Level 9      = Blue
Level 10    = Red 

(Old) Lv.10 Avatar Stats 





But if you really want Hardcore Cheap-Ass Stats, wait for Season 3's GM Avatars and Enchant them to Lv.20 with POORtune stones and you will see Great Results such as:

doesn't EMOKobe remind you of Adam Lambert *XD