Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Proposed Event, Denied

Click on Images to see Full Size *Thx

Oh well, no surprise there AT ALL *lol see for better understanding..

And as for what I said regarding the cash-charge combo.. I was planning on charging a misreable 1000 Cash or 1 Million Gold as a fee (which still goes straight to them -.-"), after all.. what's 1,000 Cash or 1 Million Gold giving one a shot at Winning either Observador Head & Body, Blue and Red Phoenix, Archangel II Head & Body and Insect Warrior Head & Body. Think about it, I personally would opt to charge 1k Cash rather then waste my time trying to cook up a million in gold. *:)

ps. My bad, it was my mistake for even bothering to ask on what grounds they denied my proposal. I mean seriously, I cannot see a valid reason when all they'd have to do is merely delete-insert the prizes from time to time which won't take more than a min or two.

As always.. OH WELL..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Message to the Brand Manager

Nowhere in your updated guide to the new enchantment system states that previous (NOT OLD) enchanted avatars would have their stats decreased as well once the update is applied.

Guess you weren't able to read my update on  New Enchant System II, which says:

"Since now ALL avatars are enchantable, that makes it a little bit better for Gold-Only users. Then again, this new enchantment system makes it quite unfair to the new Cash players. As for this 3rd (supposed ) update/change, might I strongly suggest you consider in revising such.. and yes, I understand that Cash users still must have an advantage, but do take the following into consideration before you finally update such: 

For Gold Avatars:
Maintain the +2 stat, still from Levels 2-4
A +3 from Levels 5 to 9
and a +4 upon reaching Level 10

For Cash Avatars:
+2 from Levels 2-4
+4 for Levels 5 to 9
and a +5 upon reaching Level 10

As i've always said.. a little compromise will go a long way Softnyx."


Yes, I do know it is stipulated in your TOS that your company reserves the right to "TO ALTER, RESET, OR OTHERWISE CHANGE CERTAIN PARAMETERS OF, AN ON-GOING PRODUCT OR SERVICE AT ANY TIME.. But it also states "IN ORDER TO REALIGN THE BALANCE OF THE PRODUCT" in which no manner this update has done. Rather point your consumers into one obvious direction, to Cash-Charge yet again.. specifically focused on Seal Enchantment Purchase/s.

Hopefully, it isn't just the Gold-Only Avatars that were affected by this update. (If anyone can verify whether or not Cash-Only Avatars were affected as well, kindly comment on such. *Thx)

A lot of Gold-Only/Avatar On Players (which are the ones who cater to your Cash-Charging Clients) have been given the chance to re-enjoy this game when you opted to make ALL avatars enchantable (despite the 2nd update in your enchantment system which gave less added stats) and gave one a chance to reach Lv5 with just Spirit Jewel giving Gold-Only Avatars a sense of match to similar leveled-recently enchanted Cash-Only Avatars.

It is a given that those who partake in this game and contribute real money should have an edge, but to take away one of the better improvements you have settled by concession for your non-cash consumers is plain stupid, selfish and outright preposterous.

A lot of your Gold-Only/Avatar On players have played fair and square and saved up enough gold to buy selected high end avatars (which is mixed up and matched depending on Level, to create the best set that suits His/her mode of game and/or mobile) for specific games (which is no joke if you're actually one to play in a legit manner and patiently play till you've saved up enough gold for high end Gold-Only Avatars costing from 500,000 - 1,500,000), and have also enchanted and took risks in destroying such trying to reach the highest attainable level via just Spirit Jewel.. whom still at times, despite the obvious loss, cater to your Ridiculous In Stat-Higher Chance Of Winning-Cash-Only players.

If only Softnyx didn't get too excited and greedy before hand, your company would have realized that the manner in which your new enchantment system distributes stats (plus the Seal Enchantment System) is a better way to balance game play and a more profitable one at that. Oh well, as the saying goes.. too late the hero. *VNT  So yeah, good for the old-enchanted avatar cash players and too bad for the upcoming ones. *Sorry~

And as for your update on the Seal Enchantment System, how idiotic can one get (this I wouldn't know  whom to address to as there could have been a "lost in translation" encounter aka No Proof Reading) by stating that once the seal/s is/are reset, it/they is/are also deleted. There's a reason why the player is resetting such, so he/she can redistribute the seal/s. Nobody in their right mind would care to Reset their seal/s only for it to be deleted.

Think about it Softnyx, again, such a decision is just plain stupid, selfish and preposterous.

I hope you take ALL THESE as CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM nothing more.. nothing less, and let it be crystal clear as obvious as it already is  that I do not mean to offend you in any aspect whatsoever, I'm just stressing out on the fact that you have got to draw the line somewhere.. somehow. Your manner of handling this game is going from bad to worse to sickening and plain absurd.

Whether you want to admit/accept it or not, I have cooked up enough solutions to your consumers major discontentment as well as contributing ideas and sharing my point of views (which in all honesty, you yes, I know exactly who you are, you have once deleted my post where I have singled you out as the Brand Manager, but no worries, if you choose to keep that position a secret.. so be it then have opted to ignore based on God knows what reason/s and/or excuse/s you may have.. and hopefully, it is not based on the fact that you and your team cannot comprehend nor communicate well in English) on what could improve the game and boost sales as well.. bring back the enthusiasm for your remaining players while also spreading out a good word to those who have left that they may see that this game still has room for improvement.

And Yes, I know for a fact, the possibility of this server closing is a long shot. Seeing that you, Softnyx, is the Mother of all servers; GunBound's Developer. If any server is gonna shutdown, this definitely would be the last. But let that not be an excuse for you to mismanage and just let this (once) great game hit rock bottom but instead, be a push for you to strive and work your way back up.

The only Good thing I see about the decrease in stats is that at least most Gold-Only Avatar Strike Games don't end up as Bungee Games (which is 99% of what happens on Cash-Only-Old Enchanted Avatar Strike Games unless one uses Trash avatar *lol and they've got MC to thank for that *XD)

I understand the need to keep the game running, but as I've stipulated elsewhere in this blog, Think of it as though it was a premium item business, Instead of putting a mark up in price, which results in less purchases, try just a dollar earned, but in huge quantities. And give your clients (both Cash-Chargers and Gold-Only) much respect as to giving them a notice (ahead of time) when and if there will be changes, as well as elaborating further on updates instead of letting them guess and assume. 

Hopefully you've actually read this and understood it as a whole.  


And I'm sure the result of writing this, means my proposal regarding throwing a month long event for your consumers on my expense is cancelled. Oh well.. I'll just have to wait for your reply on Q&A

And to be crystal clear with you, I wouldn't be surprised if  suddenly, out of nowhere, My Accounts GET BANNED/HACKED. If and when such ever happens, for whatever reason/s  you may come up with, Like i've always said.. this is a game to me.. not a damn career. with that being said, since it is your property, do whatever makes you happy :) 

Still, Thank You for your time and God Speed. 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Best Gold Avatars

Some of those mentioned below were/are sold for Gold-Only.. some given out as Event Prizes.  As to  "Event-Prize" Avatars being considered "Gold" as well, only the GameMasters can confirm such. Anyway.. some of those that you will see below are back at the Avatar Shop and sold for Cash-Only *T^T some for a maximum of 1 Month only, while some aren't sold (for now hehe) ..

Do not forget, creating a set should depend on your Game Mode/Style, (Strike Games, Bunge and or Jewel.. which isn't really played as much anymore) Mobile and Accuracy.

And keep in mind, depending on how far (and successful) you can level up your avatar/s using just Spirit Jewel (highest attainable through such is Lv5) will determine the combination of avatars you'll be using to create a set (that again), complements your Game Style/Mode, Mobile and Accuracy .

Click on Images to see Full Size *Thx

Popularity Avatars

Bunge Avatars

Strike Avatars

Event-Prize Avatars

As for Old Airplane (Head) and Old Car (Head), Hopefully someone who has the said avatars uploads screenshots :D *Thx

For those interested in playing avatar on games, the avatars stated above are those you'd wanna grab a hold of *:)