Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Intentional Deranking

To my IRL (In Real Life) buddy whom I've encouraged to give a shot and play this game again but in less than 20 minutes decided it just "isn't fun" because of players who ruin the mood by coming and quitting as soon as the game starts, this ones for you bud! :)

You should come up with a Policy regarding Intentional Deranking. You say you wanna keep the Community Clean? then start with giving Real Newbies/New Players a chance to enjoy the game (to an extent, that is, coz the possibility of players making new accounts isn't a Punishable Offense since it's your fault why there aren't much players on Server 5, thus, forcing players like me, who play for fun, to create new accounts just in order to be able to spend more time playing rather than waiting)

You have a Policy on Game Abuse, so logically speaking, joining games and automatically quitting (intentional=on purpose=fixed plan) in order to get a Minus in GP falls under "Faking Wins/Loss for one's self benefit"..

I wonder, is the reason as to why you have not come up with any policy regarding such is because these Cowards (Players who Purposely Derank) bring in a ton of cash charges (seeing as most of them, if not all, are on Full-Cash Avatars/Pets and use other Cash-Only IMBA Items) and that makes it ok and they're off the hook? Just like how most High Rankers are left to do whatever since they too, bring in the dough.

These REAL NOOBS aka COWARDS aka PUSSIES know for a fact that in server 5, it will be a real battle (which obviously should be the essence of any game, but sad to say, not for these players who are chicken shit) and/or they wont be able to fair against the same Cash-Only players, so they DERANK INTENTIONALLY SO THAT THEY CAN BULLY INEXPERIENCED and/or GOLD-ONLY  PLAYERS and act all tough and worse, CLAIM TO BE PRO. *lol what a big ass joke.. FEI: "Real Skills" can't be bought!

I (and I'm sure a lot of other players) have experienced the end result of your failed system generated Game Hack/Abuse Error aka Message Code: 288. Despite not being able to come forth with any proof that I actually under went Game Fixes, you chose to ignore my Q&A's and acted as though I was actually guilty *lol and worse, automatically, Game Logs of the said account were deleted. *NT~ *:S *XD

Or! is it because most of the games were *continuous wins vs the same player for more than 20 games (which is what I assume to be a lockout number for games with the same player) and the fact that majority of the games were Bunge (which YS Kim supposedly said, isn't allowed anymore.. tell him if that's the case to remove all possible Bunge Maps. *Sorry~ but honestly, the way you guys are handling this game is going from "Just wrong and Inappropriate" to "Pure Stupidity and Outright Greed")

*It's solely my choice too (and anybody else's), if I (they) opt not to play overpowered/ALL-100 -120 (or close to that stat) and/or Item2/Pet/Mobile Card (+their IMBA add-ons) users. I (and everyone else) can't control who comes in the room and actually stays. If a Low in stat and/or Pop-Ava Set user chooses to stay, that is no longer my (our) problem. If He/she chooses to stay for 1 whole day, then that's his/her loss not mine. As long as the individual still plays and doesn't AFK nor F8, then I (we) will play him/her for as long as I (we) have free time.

And for everyone's viewing pleasure here's a ROFLMFAO conversation between REAL NOOBS and yours truly :) 

Click on Images to see Full Size *Thx

No surprise seeing another set of Idiots from SG and no! i'm not being racist, it just reminds me so much of ummm.. these guys (<--- Click Me XD) then again, no surprise either seeing that this CharleSmexy is actually in the same guild as Mr.IWillBlahBlahBlahThisBlahBlahBlahThat (<--- Click Me XD) aka PangKangKia (<--- Click Me XD) .. AyperX Guild! ROFLMFAO and checkout the self-proclamation: "A New Era ... Selected amongst the BEST for Battles and Survivor !!! <-- another ROFLMFAO moment @ FAILED GRAMMAR)

Again, to be crystal clear with you, I wouldn't be surprised if  suddenly, out of nowhere, My Accounts GET BANNED/HACKED. If and when such ever happens, for whatever reason/s you may come up with, Like i've always said.. this is a game to me.. not a damn career (I don't take sides. I am very much unbiased.. if a Player is wrong, i will tell him/her off, if the Company is at fault, i will address the matter pointing out all possible flaws) with that being said, since it is your property, do whatever makes you happy :)

I just hope you actually understand what I write knowing for a fact majority of  those handling this game can't comprehend simple English. Sad but true. :( 

Still, Thank You for your time. :)

Oh well.. what a great way to end the month! *XD *VNS! *Thx :)


Yes, I had 3 Posts. Simply because the maxout in characters per comment is kept minimal. Me agitated? ROFLMFAO!!! You're dreaming too big COWARD. How the hell will I even get close to being affected  (negatively that is haha) by what you say when you're one of the dumbest fucks (which in all honesty just makes my day  even better) I've ever encountered LOL! Be glad I even took time to play with your moronic ass, half of the time I was trying to decipher codes aka your GREAT English sentences! ROFLMFAO!!! 

Changing the subject? again, another ROFLMFAO moment! FYI idiot, you called me out.. I'm just returning the favor since that's what you wanted badly, for me to notice how much of an attention whore you are. :) Why am I not surprised you actually said that there are "TONS" (plural) of "MISTAKE" (singular) here in my "senseless" blog. ROFLMFAO !!! You can't even construct a decent English sentence so *VNT~ poser. How about you be so kind and add up to how pathetic and idiotic you really are, by pointing out the "TONS OF MISTAKE" ROFLMFAO!!!
ps. Be glad I even forwarded you a link. I mean after all, I do understand that it takes more  time for retards such as yourself to take things in compared to normal people. I don't need to COMPARE, YOU'RE NOT SINGAPORE, I'M NOT THE PHILIPPINES. This is about YOU, as a RETARDED DUMB FUCK.. Me, Obviously the Smarter One.. Toying around with your ass (and boy am i enjoying it a lot haha) pointing out how stupid you really are by running my "fingers" through my nice keyboard. *Thx :)
The fact that you have "Emo" appended to your IGN makes you a joke on its own, i need not emphasize on the fact that Emo should be ahead of Blizzard, just shows how great you think you are in Basic English. ROFLMFAO! But ey, I do love  toying around with morons who act up and try their darn best to come across as though they've got brains and that they can actually level with me.. so lets see:
Your first post, Capt.Obvious (if you don't get it, go google it) about letting a players comment/s get to you, obviously mine got to you ROFLMFAO! You're just another attention whore who is also hiding like a bitch in a noob account (and again, an insignificant singaporean one at that! LOL!)  tsk tsk.. chicken shits.. same old same old hahaha!
ROFLMFAO moment again! Woohoo!!! Learn how to read and comprehend (honestly, you sure are TRYING TOO DAMN HARD to come across eloquent and shit.. but I gotta give it to you straight, you're just making yourself come out to be more pathetic in the process.. LOL) It's the other way around stupid! LEARN HOW TO C-O-M-P-R-E-H-E-N-D!!! ROFLMFAO !!! My comment was the one that got to him. haha! and the best part is, he wasn't the only one affected! ROFLMFAO !!!
2nd, Wow!!! telling a player off, for his cowardness (w/c is DERANKING) is actually 2 TOPICS. ROFLMFAO again and again... If he got annoyed, that's just a consolation MUAHAHAHA!
3rd, "by his LEVEL" SINGULAR stupid.. SINGULAR. haha! and kindly point out where I supposedly am judging his skills according to his rank. again, LEARN HOW TO READ AND COMPREHEND.  stupid.  really. and you have the guts to even use the word "stupidity" against me. ROFLMFAO.  moron. *lol
4th, Capt.Obvious nothing but filler *lol that's 2 Capt.Obvious Strikes for you
5th, Capt.Obvious (that's 3!!! Capt.Obvious Strikes for you! I now Dub Thee, The New Capt.Obvious!*lol) ROFLMFAO @ Grammar: "Expecting the sights of the Max to Gunbound" <-- this will need more than the force to deciper! Decipher, I need to. ROFLMFAO!
6th, If it's really about JUST PLAYING and ENJOYING the GAME, then Every other PUSSY should recreate an account instead of DERANKING. and about me being a dumb dog that I was.. *Sorry, but obviously there's no hiding the fact that you're the one who's dumb. And i can see that you're dumber than a dog. ROFLMFAO! And to make it worse, i'm sure you look like some animal too. haha!
7th, *OMG~ *Help~ I'm being charged with harassment in an online game. ROFLMFAO !!! and thus, i'm scared. ROFLMFAO the remix. My ban? and it depends on Charls? BWAHAHAHAHAHA !!! 

Damn! how many ROFLMFAO should I type.. you're dumber than I predicted ROFLMFAO !!! PKK is datchu? ROFLMFAO!!!
8th, You're not a noob passing by giving your message.. You're a retard who needs attention and wishes to come across as though he actually is normal. ROFLMFAO!!! "I will not reply here" <-- ROFLMFAO !!! Meet in-game if needed? ROFLMFAO the remix!!! If you can't even post with your main account, whats their to expect from a COWARD in-game? Answer: Compensation (with IMBA ITEMS) for lack of REAL SKILL. No TY, I don't play with COWARDS. :)
ROFLMFAO, not even a mentally challenged person would take your posts seriously NYAHAHAHAHA!!!
Again, it was fun as always.. Try Harder Next Time Pussies. Please. ROFLMFAO *Thx :)

ps. Anything more you and your type have to say after this, "ay lol" *XD until you COWARDS step up your game (which means, level with me, don't keep shifting off your attacks and please.. FFS! proper BASIC English please. ROFLMFAO) and use your main accounts in acting up, if not, your next comment won't get a reply from me *NT~ haha

Monday, June 28, 2010

500,000+ Damage

Oh Yeah! XD 

2nd POWERBALL GAME GLITCH I've encountered (this time I was prepared! Fraps FTW!) haha! Mad Props to VeritasAngel for staying till we reached the 500K Damage Mark (imagine how much more Damage and Hit Count there would be if we both left our PCs on the whole day haha!)

Didn't bother uploading the 3 Full Vids (about 10 Gig @_@) since the essence of the video can still be seen in the last 38 sec of the game*:)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Customized Official Guild Background

With all the problems from all your failed concepts and approaches, This is yet another point in thanking players (giving them back what they deserve; A GREAT COMPENSATION, meaning, if you do approve such, DO NOT.. I REPEAT.. DO NOT! OVERPRICE THIS!) for their continuous support no matter how bad your service has become. Not only will this be a great token of appreciation, but will also lead to further cash transactions. This idea will cater to both company and its consumers and is a win-win situation! not unless you, @ Softnyx, once again, gets greedy and puts an overprice on this

This is how "Customized Background" should work.. same logic as that of Guild Item-Uniform and Power User.

First, the GuildMaster should.. 

1. Submit choice of Art (Still Image Only)

                             Click Image To See Full Size

2. Purchase the said "Guild Item"

..then each Member should purchase an Item (again, in the likes of Power User) and unequip (leave empty) his/her background in order for the Official Guild Background to reflect.

Splitting the process in 2 (instead of just letting the GuildMaster Shoulder the entire expense, since he/she already {supposedly} is paying for other Guild Items such as Logo, Color and/or Uniform) is a more appropriate manner in dealing with expense and at the same time, showcases Loyalty from members.  

Plus the important fact that knowing Softnyx; the only way they would approve any idea is with an assurance of added cash transactions (sad but true *lol), so again, in this way, both Company and its Clients get what they want.:)

PH iCafé Tournament

As seen on


Matters Softnyx should ponder on:

1. Specify the Prizes to be given out (in order to encourage/draw in more players to participate)
2. Indicate the Event Mechanics (as early as now, giving possible participants a clear overview)

Layout Idea:
What: PH iCafé Tournament

Where: @ selected iCafe’s, Metro Manila ONLY

Time: TBA (Weekends would be more appropriate seeing that classes have started already)


Avatar Off *No "Other" EX Items, Functional Items, Item2, Pets and MCs

Teams: 3 VS 3
Map: Terrain A, MetaMine
Slot Machine Item: Attack Bomb
Sudden Death Type: Double Death
Sudden Death Turns: 40
Item1: Dual ONLY

*Mobile Rush game play format. See REAL SKILL-ONLY GAME for more details


1st Place*
  • Exclusive (something as exclusive as the GNGWC2006 Avatar, that should NOT BE reSOLD) Avatar Head & Body
  • Customized BG
  • Item2 (100 EA) 5 of Choice (No Duplicates)
  • Power User 2 1 Month
  • Free Mobile Ticket 1 Month
  • Seal Enchantment (+9) 2 of Choice
  • Logo membership + “Guild Photo Uploading” 1 Month
  • Gold+ Color Guild 1 Month
  • Chance 200 (100 EA)
  • Photo Membership + “Photo Uploading” 1 Month
  • Speed Up 1 Month
  • Random MC II 1 Month

2nd Place*
  • Customized BG
  • Item2 (50 EA) 5 of Choice (No Duplicates)
  • Power User 2 1 Month
  • Free Mobile Ticket 1 Month
  • Seal Enchantment (+6) 2 of Choice
  • Logo membership + “Guild Photo Uploading” 1 Month
  • Silver+ Color Guild 1 Month
  • Chance 200 (50 EA)
  • Photo Membership + “Photo Uploading” 1 Month
  • Speed Up 1 Month
  • Random MC II 1 Month

3rd Place*
  • Customized BG
  • Item2 (30 EA) 5 of Choice (No Duplicates)
  • Power User 2 1 Month
  • Free Mobile Ticket 1 Month
  • Seal Enchantment (+3) 2 of Choice
  • Logo membership + “Guild Photo Uploading” 1 Month
  • Bronze+ Color Guild 1 Month
  • Chance 200 (30 EA)
  • Photo Membership + “Photo Uploading” 1 Month
  • Speed up 1 Month
  • Random MC II 1 Month

a 100.00Php registration fee will be charged from each participant

Instead of using 1 Venue (which will cost the company a huge amount), simply send Game Marshals to respective iCafés to oversee/officiate Tournament and handle Event proper.

Include a 30%-50% Off Sale on ALL IN-GAME ITEMS + Add in other merchandise such as shirts, posters, pins, pens etc. for sale.

In regards to In-game purchases, players must fill up a form with the following information:



As for the Customized Background (BG) see Customized Official Guild Background for more details. *Thx :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Personalized Events

For those who don't know, I play this game for the pure pleasure of fun and laughter unlike most retards who think of it as a career *lol, that's one of the reasons why I don't really stick to just 1 account. *:) i need not mention the beauty and major laughter in using noob accounts and owning trash talking tough acting morons and having screenshots and/or vids, to back it up with. ROFLMFAO!!!

Since there is "no policy" (and I'm pretty much sure it's for the benefit of the new owner) in "giving away" accounts, and plus the fact my proposed event was denied ( I have decided to resort to giving away these intermediate ranked (practice accounts) accounts by means such as in-game interaction and more on throwing a contest every now and then (coming soon)

The first player who won was simply tested by checking if he would actually trust a total stranger (by giving out his login id and pw as i told him i would help him level up his avatars to Lv5 without destroying them, also explaining if it were to be a scam or i was trying to hack him, i wouldn't be able to change anything, since i do not know his chosen email add and birthdate) out of nowhere regardless if his account was a low rank and only had weekly avatars. To my surprise, he did trust me with such info.. next and final step was that I asked him to gift me a Limitless Pop Galore Glass and in return he would receive something 10 times greater..

such a simple gesture and deed based on pure trust.. a deserving.. rewardable one in my eyes.. as a result:

Now here's the thing, I still have a couple of Intermediate (and Non-Intermediate as well) Ranked Accounts I'd like to give away to those who would want to have the chance to grab hold of an account that will even out  their chances of winning at server 5 (in the near future? XD) and know how to appreciate such a simple gesture and the value behind it.. and at the same time, also working for it.. seeing as these accounts being given away have decent avatars (and 95%, if not all, are @ Lv5 *:]) that come with it.

This next account i am giving away is a female account

(to be continued..)