Monday, February 1, 2010

Discontent: Item2-Pet-Mobile Card

As big as 98% of the old school players and even the new ones (and yes, specially those who use IMBA add-ons) will totally agree that the game is now on as high as 90% "PAY-TO-WIN" mode. Unless one is actually going up against an opponent who does not use IMBA Items.

a) As I've said in my other topic (Discontent: Gold vs Cash), make most (not all) of them purchasable by Gold as well, doesn't matter if you pump up the price in gold.. as long as its attainable as well for those who don't charge cash. Or throw an auction at least once a week with prizes @ 30-50 EA which would cater to a maximum of 10 winners.

b) If possible, make an Item2 (still purchasable in Gold as well) that actually locks out item2-Only use. I for one, don't like nor believe in this add-on.. specially the likes of Nuke, Lava, and Heaven's Eco (should have named this Aimbot+1 -.-") but I can't erase the fact that some are actually cool. The thing is, it just ain't as fun if you aren't the one using it *XD Sad but true.

c) The MOST IMPORTANT SOLUTION that will actually BOOST COMPANY SALES and IMPROVE GAME STANDARDS.. LESSEN THE QUANTITY (20 / 50 / 80 EA  or  better yet.. 15 / 40 / 60 EA) AND RAISE THE PRICE! and at the same time, keep it to a "minimum of 2 or 3 per game " in regards to ridiculous item2s such as Nuke, Lava, Double Jeopardy. Only then will you see who actually uses such wisely (2 / 3 being just examples, decision making should be based on what item2 does and how much imbalance it does)

d) Item2 Usage Idea by Imt0oNoob :)

Pet - Quite a unique add-on must I say.. a fair enough and decent add-on. Though  when it comes to either stat distribution nor skill, there still is a great difference and imbalance as well but at least 2 are sold in gold.. but! what's with not having pet needs purchasable in gold? what gives? o.O?

Mobile Card - Out of all the discontent you will see regarding such.. the least you could do is MINIMIZE the SETTINGS and level up in stats this add-on gives, make it ATTAINABLE / RENEWABLE ONLY  for  1 WEEK or TWO WEEKS maximum (This as well will guarantee a mark up in sales) and LESSEN THE PIT. 

Regardless of level.. LESSEN THE DAMN PIT!!! 

IMHO this has got to be the CHEAPEST Add-On!!! and most players go around saying stupid things like Bunge is for noobs, Bunging is cheap, bunging doesn't require skill etc. Tell me, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK OVERPOWERED AVATAR USERS WHO PLAY AGAINST EACH OTHER END UP DOING? -.-"

And I strongly Suggest that this add-on be deactivated in Avatar On Servers (bad enough having a 100 stat in pit makes most games end up as bungee mode) 

Enchantable Items - Simply making Avatar Off Servers end up like Avatar-On zones. My take on such, which is most probably the same way most see it as.. Plain unfair. Then again, I don't really play on Avatar Off Servers.. More 3rd Party Program users, Item2 users, Aduka Games (*lol) and No Bonus Gold hehe Avatar-On FTW! *XD

Either these solutions + (See Season 3 topic) and/or actually make a Power User (again, yes, still purchasable in Gold as well) that whomever plays in the said room will have all 4 IMBA add-ons unusable or create 15 more Power User Cards:

PU 3 = Anti-Item2 Only
PU 4 = Anti-Pet Only
PU 5 = Anti-Mobile Card Only
PU 6 = Anti-Enchantable Item Only
PU 7 = Anti- Item2 + Pet + Enchantable Item + Mobile Card

PU 8 = Anti- Item2 + Pet Only
PU 9 = Anti- Item2 + Pet + Mobile Card Only
PU 10 = Anti- Item2 + Pet + Enchantable Item Only
PU 11 = Anti- Item2 + Mobile Card Only
PU 12 = Anti- Item2 + Enchantable Item Only
PU 13 = Anti- Item2 + Mobile Card + Enchantable Item Only

PU 14 = Anti- Pet + Mobile Card Only
PU 15 = Anti- Pet + Enchantable Item Only
PU 16 = Anti- Pet + Mobile Card + Enchantable Item Only

PU 17 = Anti- Mobile Card + Enchantable Item Only

Better yet, add a Server that is NON-Item2/Pet/MC/EI (Enchantable Item) then again, I know this idea is a damn long shot *VNT~ *:S *lol

Think of it as though it was a premium item business, Instead of putting a mark up in price, which results in less purchases. Try just a dollar earned, but in huge quantities.

A little bit of compromise and fairness will go a long way Softnyx. 

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