Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On-Going Petition

by PangKangKia (<-- Click Me XD)

My Take:

As I've stated on the free board.. If anyone is as dead-serious on taking this a notch higher, he/she/they should be well versed in "Korean Laws". Exposing their downfalls is one thing, but actually getting at the problems themselves and gaining desired results as what consumers rightfully deserve, is, and will be in a totally different matter/approach. I too, have voiced out other concerns, yet have fallen on deaf ears (for now?)

The only real means in resolving such a matter is either by court (which is definitely gonna cost you an arm & a leg) or an all out boycott from purchasing and/or playing. But to accomplish victory through such, its campaign head should be able to get the Gen Pop to not just join its campaign by word, but actually have a stand as well.

Just a reminder though.. not that I'm defending neither of the GMs, but keep in mind.. Decision Making in regards to all aspects throughout the game is done by the Brand Manager mainly. NOT GameMasters. One must know Softnyx's hierarchy of command before addressing and accusing. In most gaming firms, its hierarchy of command is from: Brand Manager - Community Manager - GameMaster. So before boldly hating on GMs, know that they only take orders as well and have no choice but to apply decisions, rules, sanctions, that of which, are asked of them. Unless, that Manager is an acting GameMaster at the same time.

Due to on-going apparent unsolved issues namely, unpatched 3rd party programs and it's users/abusers, System Glitches (EX Items, Pets and Mobile Card failure to come through with its description or resulting in game freezes/lags + sudden change and downgrade in settings of certain Mobiles) each and every player (be it cash charger or not) has all the right to grumble.. but address such "to whom it may concern" and not automatically point the finger on GameMasters.

PKK's sole reason for starting his campaign OneCry TvTVoice was because he got banned. If it weren't for such, he would have never took time to stress out on points (that have been ignored for quite the amount of time) others (specially those who don't charge cash and/or are insignificant to the population due to unpopularity yet still having a say) have as well. It may be selfish and for his personal gain, no matter how bad and pathetic his whining & crying is.. even if its just ALL Whimper and Snivel.. at least its another contribution to the community.

We ALL Want similar things from settle by concession to conformity with rules or standards

Certain issues/accusations as FAVORING and LENIENCY towards Regular/Huge Cash Chargers have always been a comeback of those who got banned, as for it being a myth or truth, one will never really know. Accusations without Proof to shed light on it/them are, sad to say, left on deaf ears.


Make a thread at Softnyx's free board itself and at your site with a list of players and to what extent they are joining you in your campaign.

Yohann (not the former GB GM, the fan *lol)of PIMP - Will Not Cash Charge nor Play
Gl3KlNG of FHH - Will Not Cash Charge but Will Still Play 
iiiPwnGayLy (<- Click Me XD) of NSI (NoSpicInglesh) - Will Not Cash Charge (because his guardians need to re-enroll him in preschool to actually learn the ABCs and stop being a damn hobo with gardening tools as arsenal) nor Play (because its hard to be GayLy, daily.. and play with tears *T^T dripping every single second because all he can do is fantasize about laying his hands on another player of the same gender. YOU GO GIRL! haha)

Find time to stipulate such important facts (as to what is the Maximum LEGAL amount of GP that can be ATTAINED in 1 DAY with and/or without certain EX Items as well as the Maximum LEGAL Number of games allowed on a 1 vs 1 / 2 vs 2 /  3 vs 3 / 4 vs 4 games with the exact same player/s) in your "Policies" 

And please, as I’ve stated in Discontent: 3rd Party Program(s) and Bug(s), If I'm not mistaken, nProtect is not under your group of companies (kindly correct me if I'm wrong) Get your moneys worth and give back your consumers what they rightfully deserve. Do not compensate your mishandling and lack of focus/management and abrupt solutions with mere Events and/or Events-with a catch (Offering prize/s which lead to yet another means of charging cash e.g.  Photo Membership prize given away during the 2nd week of Mobile Mission) nor by throwing out a "Sale" and/or coming up with new items and game features..

Stick to the unfixed/unsolved MAJOR issues/cases before anything else.

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