Friday, February 5, 2010

Lv.10 Enchant Challenge

Click on Images to see Full Size *Thx 


1. Wait a minute!? Is this a joke? as it's written, any "Lv1" not 2 , 3 nor 4-10. Does this mean The ONLY chance of actually taking part in this Event is if players with avatars/items (that aren't "Lv1")  are purposely decreased in Level? (which have the possibility of such getting Destroyed) or is it Softnyx's way of making its clients charge/re-purchase avatar/s and/or item/s that are at Lv1?

2. Don't panic people *lol *XD I'm just clarifying the latter part *Noob~ *Sorry ~ The first part states "Well, you know that it is difficult to make Lv10 enchant avatar or item from (hold your breath.. keep holding it.. keep holding it... *T^T 911! 911! *XD) Lv4 or Lv5 (PHEW!!! *VNS! *Thx Softnyx * : ) ) and Fortune Stone is expensive. So we release (what? what do you release? Nooooo! haha) "Challenge Lv10 Enchant" system to make Lv10 enchant avatar or item easily. YouIt  will need needs More Than only 990 Cash purchase at least 20 EA, just to be sure. We ​ ​a​p​o​l​o​g​i​z​e​ ​f​o​r​ ​t​h​e​ ​i​n​c​o​n​v​e​n​i​e​n​c​e​.​ ​W​e​ ​t​h​a​n​k​ ​y​o​u​ ​f​o​r​ ​b​e​a​r​i​n​g​ ​w​i​t​h​ ​u​s​.​Y​o​u​r​s​ ​S​i​n​c​e​r​e​l​y​,​ S​o​f​t​n​y​x​ ​C​o​.​,​ ​L​t​d​.

Now which is which Softnyx? Level 4 and 5 is included, how about ava/s and/or item/s @ Levels 6-9, are they counted as well? or does it have to strictly start at Lv1? coz if you say ALL Avatars and Items from Levels 1-9 are considered as well.. since Lv1 gains a +1 as soon as the challenge starts, does that mean that Lv2 becomes 3? 4 becomes 5? 5 becomes 7 (oops *NT * lol ) and so on and so forth..

a) Yes?
b) No!
c) *Noob~
d) All Of The Below *XD

3. So as soon as the player gives this event a shot, its a sure +1 in Level even before clicking "CHALLENGE!! - Yes? No? Maybe? It Depends? Whatever? Your Mom? Your Dad? How about siblings? and relatives? *XD *lol

4. Closely pay attention to the info on "ALERT", tsk tsk.. Anti-feminism huh? tsk.. tsk..  Yes, we all understand that your Cards are equivalent to the likes of Gambling which is based on mere Chance as well. But ey, Your clients deserve to see the 2 remaining results as well, regardless if they won or not. So it's either 3-clicks or 1-click. Take your pick Softnyx =D

5. Hmmm.. A positive thing (FINALLY! hehe *Thx) The possibility of avatar/s and/or item/s getting destroyed will not happen. But! does that mean that the avatar does not decrease in Level as well? and will remain in whichever +Level it was given before the Challenge itself?

Let us compute as if im any good at math ROFL, but ey, im on 70% Feel 15% Landmark and 15% windchart *VNS! *Noob~? *NT *XD shall we..

as I've stated in Valentine Event #3, Enchanting avatar/s or item/s straight to Level 10 in 1 blow @ ONLY 990 Cash is WT%$#@! *VNS!  *XD Though, the results vary and are based on pure luck (!) (?) I wonder how random the results really are.. or have they locked out or made adjustments to result settings like say.. purchase 10 "Challenge Enchant" and 1 will give you a sure shot at Level 10 (making that 9,900 Cash), or would it be @ 20 EA?  Yay O_O" *lol One will never really know hehe *NT *Thx *lol

Let us use FHH's (<-- Click Me XD) "Enchantment Guide" since, too bad, there isn't any other guide to better compensate for lack of skill to help us do a sample/basic computation of Standard Enchanting vs Challenge Enchant Lvl.10 (ahhh make up your mind Softnyx, its Either Lv or Lvl * : S)

"To enchant Avatar properly, one must use the proper combination of powerful Jewels. For Level 1-4: Use Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Shield Stone. Note that if you have expensive Avatar to enchant, such as Frozen Warrior / Ice Observador / Pheoenix, buying a Shield stone for Levels 1-4 is highly recommended. After Level 5 (<-- I Think you meant "At" not "After" ? or you really did mean at Level 6?), a Fortune Stone is necessary. So after Level 4 ( See what I mean.. Ahhhh.. why couldn't you just say "At Level 5" -.-" so much for Basic English *lol): Use Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Fortune Stone. Either way, you usually must spend 4 Stones to enchant.

Note: One can enchant safely from Level 1-3 with just Spirit Stone, with just a slight chance that avatar may be destroyed. Use Spirit Stones on cheap Cash Avatar such as Halloween 2006, Valentine Candy, and Korean Ghost. From Level 3 to 4 for cheap Avatar, make sure you buy at least Nihility and Nirvana Jewel.

Each year there are events in which enchantment gives +2 Levels per Fortune Stone. Take advantage of such events when they occur."

For those new to "Enchantment" - "Enchanting", you first need to know which avatars/items are "Enchantable". That's easy.. all enchantable avatars / items have a "Lv" and a corresponding Number  (depending on which Level it has reached already) appended to its name. But if you can wait till Season 3, they will be releasing 4 VERY EXCLUSIVE "ENCHANTALoL" Avatars. Punky Brown Head, Hawaiian Body, Red Nose Glass and Vampire Casket Flag. Only EnchantaLoL to Lv.10. Stats will increase by None. but at least you're cool. ahhahahahahahaha but seriously, sooner than expected, all avatars will be enchantable :)

What you need to do in order to start the Enchantment / Enchanting process.. simply click on the avatar or item then click on "ENCHANTMENT" after which you will just have to click on the corresponding slots (which stipulate specific enchant item needed) then click on "CANCEL" Knowing you, you'll try to cheap shot it by pushing your luck  with just Spirit Jewel and think you'll actually be able to reach Level 10 without destroying your Mobile Card(s), Avatar(s) and/or Item(s) "UPGRADE". 

Keep in mind that majority of players who have been kind enough to share their stupidity and cheapness experience/s have suggested that upgrading with Spirit Jewel alone on CASH Avatars should only be pushed as far as either Level 3, or if you're really stubborn and hella cheap Lucky, up to Level 4. As for GOLD Avatars, some have been really lucky as they were born on the year of the RABBIT but were either too drunk or too addicted and focused on this game that they lost all common sense and started thinking that their buck-teeth were actually fangs making them feel like a TIGER at that moment *lol were able to enchant such up to Level 5. 

Do not forget, the purpose of the "Shield Stone" (as far as I know, but feel free to correct me ok? *Thx) is to guarantee that your Mobile Card/Avatar/Item does not get destroyed. but as for decrease in level? *I honestly wouldn't know.. Cash Hoes? Anyone?

See instructional screenies instead of wasting other peoples time and asking them the same old thing every now and then  below for better understanding



Going back to our computation based on  FHH's (<-- Click Me Again lol) "Enchantment Guide" see screenie below for Enchant Items and its prices

Hmmm.. So..

For Gold Avatars Only = Levels 1-3 and/or 4 = Spirit Jewel Only (300 Gold EA)
For Gold Avatars Only = Levels 4-10 and/or 5-10 = Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and/or Shield Stone + Fortune Stone? or should this be used only on Levels 6-10? (800 Cash/300 Gold vs 1,700 Cash /300 Gold vs 11,600 Cash/300 Gold)

For Cash (Low Costing) Avatars Only = Levels 1-3 =  Spirit Jewel Only (300 Gold EA)
For Cash (Low Costing) Avatars Only = Levels 3-4 or can it be pushed to 5 as well? as what was said "make sure you buy at least Nihility and Nirvana Jewel."
For Cash (Low Costing) Avatars Only = Levels 5-10  Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Fortune Stone as well? or can Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and/or Shield Stone suffice?

For Cash (High Costing) Avatars Only = Levels 1-4 = Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Shield Stone.
For Cash (High Costing) Avatars Only = Levels 5-10 = Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Fortune Stone. As what is said "you usually must spend (a minimum of?) 4 Stones to enchant (at these Levels?)"

So based on the info mentioned above.. it's safe to presume the following VS computations:

 800 Cash/300 Gold 
1,700 Cash /300 Gold 
10,700 Cash 
11,600 Cash/300 Gold
(with better chances of achieving a Level up)


990 Cash 
(with less chances of achieving a Level up but gives a random [?] chance at an automatic Full Level )

I've wasted my free time yet again *lol done my part, now go take your pick * : )

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