Thursday, February 4, 2010

Valentine Event Part II

Click on Images to see Full Size *Thx 


1. "Chance". Not "Change" (Discontent: Grammar and Typos)
2. It's either "Dreaming Of " or "Waiting For" (Discontent: Grammar and Typos)
3. Softnyx said "All".. how come these are the only ones shown? or are these just examples and there are others?
4. Will these Avatars/Items be released all having the same levels? Since it is stipulated as "Enchanted"  (at Level 2 and above) and not "Enchantable" (at Level 1) and what level would that be?


For those who didn't notice the screenie at Valentine Event, The Unlimited Avatar Prizes (Ice Observador Body / Octopus Flag) for Charging 60,000 - 89,999 Cash is at Level 4 / Level 5 which IMHO is the BEST bargain compared to that of 90,000 - 119,999 amount. Then again, it shows a head of an unknown avatar? and its unknown stats as well (or is it just me who isn't well aware of such an ava? *Noob~ *Thx *XD) . See Valentine Event #6

1. What did Softnyx mean exactly by "drawing" the most 2 popular couples?
2. And what would those Prizes be? (Hopefully neither of those prizes would involve Unlimitless Avatars)

  • 2/10 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/11 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/12 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/13 - Cash Players Only
  • 2/14 - Cash Players Only
  • 2/15 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/17 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/18 - GET KILLED (ROFLMAO !!!) 10 Times, Game Fixing FTW! So its WIN-A-PRIZE-BUT-GET-BANNED?  *Noob~ *Thx *XD
  • 2/19 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/20 - Cash Players Only
  • 2/21 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/22 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/24 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/25 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/26 - Cash Players Only
  • 2/27 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/28 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 3/1 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 3/3 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players (make up your mind. Its either Lightning or Lightening unless you're trying to stress out on the fact that this mobile has a split personality *lol)
  • 3/4 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 3/5 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players and This Day is PH Event Day *XD
  • 3/6 - Cash Players have a better chance, but Non-Cash Players can stay up all day and try their darn best XD  ahhh you little devil you huh >:) hehe.. Those who are gonna join PKK's (<-- Click Me XD) Campaign and even Non-Cash Players will have to struggle on making a decision on this SWEEEEEEEEEET DEAL: 



So lets see.. 30 EA Level 50 "Cash" Pet (though there are only 21 of them and 2 in "Gold) but if you get the same "Cash" pet, System will Redraw Automatically. Meaning what? the redraw is considered a -1 in count  and given a replacement?! or is it just a -1 in count?!?!

Hmmm.. So that's 1,197,000 Cash (1 EA Pet Legend Level 50 Card = 39,900 Cash, Prize being given out is 30 EA)




 just 3,000 Cash (1 Day 30% Hidden Mobile Ticket) and/or 3,500 Cash (1 Day 50% Hidden Mobile Ticket)
  •  3/7 - Again, Cash Players have a better chance, but Non-Cash Players can stay up all day and try their darn best XD. And again...ahhh you little devil you huh >:) hehe.. As stated above, those who are gonna join PKK's Campaign and even Non-Cash Players will have to struggle on making a decision on this SWEEEEEEEEEETER DEAL:

252,000 Cash (5 EA Legend Card = 42,000 Cash, Prize being given out is "30" EA) 




just 3,000 Cash (1 Day 30% Hidden Mobile Ticket) and/or 3,500 Cash (1 Day 50% Hidden Mobile Ticket) 

Sweet Deals? or was the Quantity ("30" EA) stipulated a mistake?

Will this be yet another:

"W​e​ ​a​p​o​l​o​g​i​z​e​ ​f​o​r​ ​t​h​e​ ​i​n​c​o​n​v​e​n​i​e​n​c​e​.​ ​W​e​ ​t​h​a​n​k​ ​y​o​u​ ​f​o​r​ ​b​e​a​r​i​n​g​ ​w​i​t​h​ ​u​s​.​

Y​o​u​r​s​ ​S​i​n​c​e​r​e​l​y​,​
S​o​f​t​n​y​x​ ​C​o​.​,​ ​L​t​d​."

?!?! Only time can tell hehe *NT *Sorry~ *XD

Think about it.. why the Legend Mobile Card is a sweeter deal compared to that of the Pet Level 50 Card. With the case of MC, there's no Redrawing, Next is, a player can only use 1 pet at a time, which isn't really much of an edge compared to results of an MC NoobUser.  *OMG *Help *lol
  • 3/8 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players, ahhh.. Unlimitless.. *T^T still.. *Thx *lol (I wonder, what does J stand for? as for A.Sate.. it actually means Adium Satellite *wink*)

1. Make up your mind Softnyx, will they collect Heart Marks or "Hear" Marks? *XD v^_^v <-- *lol
2. Fair Enough Event as Non-Cash Players will just have to play more vs charging cash and gaining more marks
3. What are the Primary (Bigger Gift) Prizes and what are the Secondary (Smaller Gift) Prizes? And as always, Hopefully neither of those prizes would involve Unlimitless Avatars.


As i've stated in On-Going Petition, Softnyx.. Do not compensate your mishandling and lack of focus/management and abrupt solutions with mere Events and/or Events-with a catch (Offering prize/s which lead to yet another means of charging cash e.g.  Photo Membership prize given away during the 2nd week of Mobile Mission) nor by throwing out a "Sale" and/or coming up with new items and game features..

Stick to the unfixed/unsolved MAJOR issues/cases before anything else.


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