Monday, February 1, 2010


The following may include certain Discontent and Solutions that others may have thought about. In no way am I claiming that I solely, came up with such since there are tons of players who have felt the same dissatisfaction and have come up with the same ideas as I have but never bothered taking time out to stress on it by working on a Screenshot and/or elaborating further as I have/am about to..


1. I found time to do this not for the sake of Popularity/Praise nor am I expecting anything in return (from the Brand Manager *cough* hehe)

2. I took time out to make this for the betterment of the game. And for those who may feel the same way I do about this game but aren't as good with Graphic Enhancement/s nor Idea Application/s and/or Conceptualization/s .

3. If and when this is applied to the upcoming season, Hopefully word spreads out to those who have left and that they actually give this game another shot *VNS! *XD

4. I was forced to blog this instead of posting it at the forums based on two sad facts..1, the maxout for characters is too small to elaborate, resulting in having to split psentences. 2, those of subnormal intelligence (IDIOTS) do nothing but flame up my threads and worse, accuse me of "crying" ROFLMFAO! Voicing out and being opinionated is a totally different thing vs being as dumb as  a bucket of shrimp and trolling within the forums with nothing but lame posts-comebacks, profanity and racism. *NT *T^T *lol

5. The only reason why I even still bother to post nor share my POVs and Ideas is for the sole reason as I do not wish this game to get any worse than it already is. NOT because I supposedly want to  become a GameMaster again, employed by Softnyx and earn a miserable amount knowing for a fact how low they pay GameMasters in particular, which is what a bunch of retards always use against me when i point out their flaws, stupidity, lameness and the like.. since they have nothing sensible nor can they stick to the topic at hand to throw back at me, this is what they resort to. Haha! morons will be morons.. idiots will always be idiots .. dumbasses are simply, just major asses with but very low IQ and EQ. Sad but true. *lol. Seriously kids.. before you start creating a bunch of bullshit.. back it up with facts and evidences or you'll just end up with a lame ass story as every other retard makes up.

On a personal note:
It's tiring to have to relate to all these In-game BASELESS PATHETIC ACCUSATIONS one by one..

That I..

1. ONLY play with noobs/weak in stat avatar users
Here's a link to screenshot samples where I'm battling it off with "noobs" (those accusers boldly claim) *XD:

My previous set consists of KoreaGunba H&B (Lvl 10), Bone Head Glass and Green Ooze Flag [which had 7 days left till its expiration the last time i played *T^T *lol] and I play using JD with Dual+ item only. As Room Master, I (and everyone else) have the option and all the right to kick those who don't follow my (our) designated room title. As for me, I use "2gold/2cash noit2petmc"

It's solely my choice too (and anybody else's), if I (they) opt not to play overpowered/ALL-100 (or close to that stat) and/or Item2/Pet/Mobile Card (+other IMBA add-ons) users. I (and everyone else) can't control who comes in the room and actually stays. If a Low in stat and/or Pop-Ava Set user chooses to stay, that is no longer my (our) problem. If He/she chooses to stay for 1 whole day, then that's his/her loss, not mine. As long as the individual still plays and doesn't AFK nor F8, then I (we) will play him/her for as long as I (we) have free time.

2. Am a Noob/Newbie  and/or a Coward
*Thx *lol Calling me a Noob.. and worse, putting in effort in entering my room and wasting seconds in pressing ALT 9 honestly does not give me any negative vibe but rather makes me laugh. I find the Graphics of ALT 9 quite funny. Oh and for those who even bother to waste their Bugles on me.. Call me what you want, all you want (thanks for the publicity even if I'm a sexy beast already RAR! haha).. but I'm not stupid to go to war on arsenal without ammo.

How about you guys wear the same set that I have then I'll where your set (+ whatever add-ons you may have like Mobile Card, Damage Up etc) then you be so bold and courageous and battle it out with me. Well? Any takers? Not even DBP users would be more pathetic than they already are and take on such a challenge

There are about 5 Guilds (ASERO, AHYPER lol it may be an H but it definitely doesn't look like it haha *Sorry~ FHH, NEO, XTREMES) whom you will see lurking at server 5 with basically the same Strong-Stat Ava Sets and their other add-ons..

To the following members of those guilds (and their buddies as well) mentioned who love wasting their time and insecurities I'll tell you the same thing I say to those who love acting up and challenging me, make a name for yourself but not by me ok? *Thx on me..

I'm sure a lot of other players (but aren't as sexy as I am haha) would agree with me when i ask..

Why don't you guys battle it off amongst yourselves?

Coz in all honesty, I have yet to see any REAL ACTION from the majority of members from those guilds.. Most of you just act tough and talk crap and think you're Gods and just enter a room (just because you opt to spend for better avatars and others choose not to) without reading its title and giving the room master that much respect

Go on *"Guild Wars" amongst each other, play with each other more and let the gold-only users play amongst each other. Then let's see who really is/are a/the coward/s

3. use "Aimbot"
Make up your minds lol, or is it possible to be a noob and aimbot? LMFAO oh yeah it is possible to an  extent haha Like I said, If you expect me not to know the basics of this game even after what? 6 years? then you really must be stupid and think that "exGameMaster" is just an ID and  that there's nothing more to it. Don't compare me to those who love putting "Pro" "Owns" and "RuLeS" and god knows whatever wannabe-like appended crap to their IDs.

And whats with having to add your country code to your ID when its already indicated in your rank? Same thing goes with whats with copying GM names and/or names of High-Rankers? and stop putting the word noob (or whichever equivalent it is in meaning in your language or country or what not) as well in your ids and worse, as guild names expecting praises like "wow" you're not a noob at all blah blah blah BS. and lastly, whats with Arabs (and no im not being racist stupid, im just wondering) and numbers? *lol *Sorry~ i just find it hilarious to have to see almost the same weird IDs roaming around 7aMoOoD Wa7sho0oo43D Tal43dMoo7SH Wa7hiLa3

As I always say.. If anyone wants to battle it off  (Real Old School Style, Just-Skill Game) with me for whatever reason/s.. I will only play those who are not on any IMBA Item and would *"HARDWARE RECORD" the games. As the rumor goes, Dragon Bot Pro does not reflect even when recorded with Fraps. So get a Digicam, Videocam or Webcam.. It's as simple as Aiming it at the monitor and record the game/s. *Thx

Oh, and just something to ponder on as well, If one can afford to level up their avatars/items and purchase other IMBA add-ons, it isn't far from happening that purchasing DBP would be much of a hassle either.

So again, if anyone wants a REAL SKILL-ONLY GAME.. not that I am claiming to be pro.. coz i am not. I'm very much average but can still manage to own every now and then hehe..  get your HARDWARE RECORDER ready, hit me up.. and lets battle it off when we both get our schedules right. *Thx

But it's ok if any of you trash talkers chicken out on my terms, after all.. Majority (not all) of Cocky Players are those who actually Aimbot and/or need IMBALANCED ADD-ONS to (compensate for lack of REAL SKILL-ONLY) win. *wink*

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