Monday, February 22, 2010

Mobile Balance

Click on Images to see Full Size *Thx 



For the NTH Time, Which is which? Is it Lightning or Lightening? *XD

Hmmm.. so along with the update comes a change in spelling from KalsiDDon to KalSSidon *VNS! *lol

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentine Event Changes

1. Still haven't corrected typos
2. As well as not answering/clarifying certain questions/queries

Event 2
Same Old - Same Old

Event 3
1. So the screenshots are entitled to "editing", now what be the criteria in which you guys judge? Just curious. ^^,) <-*lol
2. Prizes include Limitless Avatars *VNS! *Thx)

3. Oh.. so its not "COUPLE" rather.. "COUPLES" *VNS! on giving more chances *Thx <--- I stand Corrected:
still.. Congratulations to the following:

1st Week: MannTeQuillA and MsFineztXavi
      Prizes: Eros Head/Body (Unlimited) + Mobile Ticket (1week)

2nd Week: llsundayll and Scykadian
       Prizes: Ares Head/Body (Unlimited) + Mobile Ticket (1week)

3rd Week: IllEckOllI and MsYohann
     Prizes: Hypnos Head/Body (Unlimited) + Mobile Ticket (1 week)

Event 4
*VNS! Softnyx

Event 5

Though after the patch:

Seems someone got Lucky? Oh well..

Event 6
Ahhh.. So The Pet and Mobile Legend Card Prize on a "30" EA was a mistake again, no surprise there.. and it's now all the way down to "1". *lol *NT

Event 7
*NS at least now players have an idea of the minimum heart rate needed and its equivalent prize. And as for the chosen prizes, I'd give it a 6/10. *VNS! Softnyx =D

Friday, February 12, 2010

Anti-Aimbot Item2? XD

Actually its the Second (hopefully/supposedly) Anti-Aimbot Item2, it's just that the Crazy Wind item2s function isn't doing as its description says.. When one uses such, all you have to do is remember the last wind and you're good to go. -.-" Really now.. Makes the indicator spin like crazy? Literally, just that! *lol

My Final Take in the On-going Petition

as seen on the following threads: 

For those who don't get what i'm pointing out when i told PKK (<-- Click Me XD) to check #17 of their Service Policy..

When and if Softnyx does any PARTIAL or FULL Changes to the game, regardless if it is UNFAIR as to it crossing the fine line on Professional Grounds, as long as in their book (their Judgment solely and not a "Discretion") it SUPPOSEDLY makes the game better, improves its Service (which is obviously not the case, for now?) and Solves Problems (which again, obviously is not the case as well) Such adjustments will be done and the announcement given out only, After the said Changes. 

As it is stipulated in their "Terms Of Service" which you can see on the first stage when creating an account (which I totally forgot *NT *Sorry~ *lol to bring up and point out as relevance) ..



and as for #15: Service Update or Notice of Change

Softnyx reserves the right, at its sole and absolute Judgment should be the word, because discretion means judging wisely and objectively which is in no manner their trait discretion, to change, modify, add to, supplement or delete access policies, the availability of any feature of the Service, hours of availability, content, data, software or equipment needed to access the Service, effective with or without prior notice. However, material changes (as determined in Softnyx sole and absolute discretion) will be disclosed prior to or subsequent those changes.

Softnyx will provide you with notification of any such changes to the Service through a server maintenance, announcement, or by email. If any future changes to this Agreement are unacceptable to you or cause you to no longer be in compliance with this Agreement, you must terminate, and immediately stop using, the Service and the Account. Your continued use of the Service following any revision to this Agreement constitutes your complete and irrevocable acceptance of any and all such changes. Softnyx may change, modify, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Service at any time. Softnyx may also impose limits on certain features or restrict your access to parts or all of the Service without notice or liability.

As i've said before, We ALL Want similar things from settle by concession to conformity with rules or standards. But when we clicked the box of "Yes, I have read and agree with the terms." ....that meant that we AGREED and ACCEPTED to abide by such. 

All we can do is Voice Out OUR Point Of Views/Opinions and Discontent as well, and hope that Softnyx does hear such out and actually COMPROMISE.

IMHO, It is a crystal clear example of INJUSTICE. but again, We all have no choice but to abide by their "Terms Of Use" and accept the fact that at the end of the day.. It all boils down to COMPROMISE. which again, hopefully, Softnyx gives into.

Sad but True.

So I hope by now players do get why Softnyx hasn't really been replying to any of OUR Discontent.

as of Feb 12, 2010:  

and as always, Softnyx:

Do not compensate your mishandling and lack of focus/management and abrupt solutions with mere Events and/or Events-with a catch (Offering prize/s which lead to yet another means of charging cash e.g.  Photo Membership prize given away during the 2nd week of Mobile Mission) nor by throwing out a "Sale" and/or coming up with new items and game features..

Stick to the unfixed/unsolved MAJOR issues/cases before anything else.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine Event Part III

Click on Image to see Full Size *Thx 


Event 1*
30% Off on Enchant Items, Those who are gonna join the OneVoice ^0^ <-- *lol Campaign will have to struggle on making a decision whether to take on this decent deal as well. So it's Either 30 % off or take your chance with Lv.10 Enchant Challenge, which as you can see, neither of the questions I had asked have been answered and as I predicted, this event's been getting quite the negative feedbacks so far :

(Hopefully neither of the following threads posted above are deleted)

Though after the patch:

Seems someone got Lucky? Oh well..

Event 2*
Enchant Lv2 Up. Softnyx, kindly clarify if this event is solely for "Mobile Card" enchanting since its primary focus shows visuals of such though I notice there's an art of the male and female version of Observador, or is it just there to add up to the artwork? again, kindly clarify if Avatar/s and/or Item/s will or will not be included in this event. Better to ask then assume right? *Thx

Event 3 and 4*
30% off on All Expendable Items, as for the newly released ones.. a 50% off. Hopefully, someone from Softnyx actually finds time to read my New Item2s topic and clarify/give answers to questions asked. and again, Softnyx.. regarding Item2, as I've said in Discontent: Item2-Pet-Mobile Card, Under Item2 / a) & c).. Hopefully Softnyx gives consideration by making most of them purchasable by Gold as well, doesn't matter if they pump up the price in gold.. as long as its attainable by those who don't charge cash as well and The MOST IMPORTANT SOLUTION that will actually BOOST COMPANY SALES and IMPROVE GAME STANDARDS.. LESSEN THE QUANTITY (20 / 50 / 80 EA  or  better yet.. 15 / 40 / 60 EA) AND RAISE THE PRICE! Then you'll see who actually uses such wisely.

A little bit of compromise and fairness will go a long way Softnyx.. and please .. 

Do not compensate your mishandling and lack of focus/management and abrupt solutions with mere Events and/or Events-with a catch (Offering prize/s which lead to yet another means of charging cash e.g.  Photo Membership prize given away during the 2nd week of Mobile Mission) nor by throwing out a "Sale" and/or coming up with new items and game features..

Stick to the unfixed/unsolved MAJOR issues/cases before anything else.

Temporary Maintenance (02-11-2010, 15:00 - 16:00 GMT +9)

1. I for one wouldn't know to what extent "Pets" are experiencing glitches. but there is a discontent thread regarding such:

2. Hopefully with this Upgrade they include a "NOTICE" as well answering questions which I have asked, that can be found at both my Lv.10 Enchant Challenge topic

3.  As stated in Screenshot

4. Those who are gonna join the OneVoice ^0^ <-- *lol Campaign will have to struggle on making a decision whether to take on this decent deal as well. So it's Either 30 % off or take your chance with Lv.10 Enchant Challenge, which as you can see, neither of the questions I had asked have been answered and as I predicted, this event's been getting quite the negative feedbacks so far :

(Hopefully neither of the following threads posted above are deleted)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cash = Good

Click on Images to see Full Size *Thx 

by tigerbearcat

My Take:

I agree that the company needs to handle 3rd Party Program cases (those who use, as well as those who take part in games where these hacks are used) at a higher level., but if I'm not mistaken, nProtect is not under Softnyx's group of companies (hopefully somebody corrects me if I'm wrong). That being the case,  it is safe to say  the result of their security measures are kept on hold as well.

And as for in-game activity boosts through game play manipulation like fixed/spy games, a higher mode of discretion in game log result findings/readings is needed.

As i've said in On-Going Petition, Softnyx should stipulate such important facts as to what is the Maximum LEGAL amount of GP that can be ATTAINED in 1 DAY with and/or without certain EX Items as well as the Maximum LEGAL Number of games allowed on a 1 vs 1 / 2 vs 2 /  3 vs 3 / 4 vs 4 games with the exact same player/s and include such in their "Policies".

I for one have never played any other online game besides GunBound, but I can definitely relate (as I have buddies who still work at gaming firms as well) to the fact that there are other games that have as much, or more, rampant hackings.

You might have misunderstood PKK's petition.. but as I see it..

1. He is not a Gold-Only User (as he said in his post, the reason as to why he was able to gain much GP and Gold was not just because of Game-Play Time, but rather through the results of those EX Items he has purchased, which are only sold for "Cash")

2. PKK's campaign is primarily focused on him getting banned. If it weren't for such, he would have never took time to stress out on points (that have been ignored for quite the amount of time) others (specially those who don't charge cash and/or are insignificant to the population due to unpopularity yet still having a say) have as well. It may be selfish and for his personal gain, no matter how bad and pathetic his whining & crying is.. even if its just ALL Whimper and Snivel.. at least its another contribution to the community. demanding a swift but effective fix to apparent unsolved issues namely, unpatched 3rd party programs and it's users/abusers, System Glitches (EX Items, Pets and Mobile Card failure to come through with its description or resulting in game freezes/lags + sudden change and downgrade in settings of certain Mobiles. As for his account being banned unlawfully, that is another case/issue

I totally agree as well that Softnyx is a decent gaming firm on its own right. 

But sad to say, instead of focusing on matters that are essential for the overall improvement of the game (Primarily, patching 3rd party programs), they slack (for those who don't know its meaning: Avoid Responsibilities) and worse, compensate for their shortcomings by throwing Events and/or Events-with a catch (Offering prize/s which lead to yet another means of charging cash e.g.  Photo Membership prize given away during the 2nd week of Mobile Mission) or by blowing out a "Sale" and/or coming up with new items and game features.

As everyone can see, I obviously support Softnyx by means of contributing and pin-pointing if not all, most of the downfalls of GunBound which in all honesty, if you think of it in professional terms, what I have been doing, covers certain aspects of their Brand Manager's & Community Manager's Job Description and all I have gotten in return is what? idiots accusing of me what not *lol Despite my sarcasm and straight forwardness and humor, my primary goal is constructive criticism hoping only for the betterment of the Game and its Community. 

I myself have decided not to Charge (till they finally step up their game), not just on grounds that Softnyx has yet to Solve the rampant use of 3rd Party Programs and certain In-Game Bugs, but more on the fact that it is quite disturbing to see how they have specific "Violation and Rules" yet do not abide by them.

What better example to use but My Pet iiiPwnGayLy (<-- Click Me XD), For recent players who have been roaming around the forums, it wont be hard to see My pet and His Lover tailing me gayly endlessly with Racism and Profanity. At first, I opt to just let this overgrown retard have his way since I expected that time will soon catch up with him and he eventually will receive appropriate Disciplinary Actions but I obviously thought too highly of Softnyx. So, instead of waiting for whomever is responsible to take necessary actions, I decided to toy around with both My Pet and His Lover. Why should I, nor anybody for that matter, allow just anyone to talk to us in such a manner and worse, get away with it. Not in my book. Not now, not ever. It's high time morons get a taste of their own crap.

UPDATE as of 03-11

Then again, I wonder, was he banned because of the screenshots I posted and Q&A'd

or was it because of his profanity and stupidity?

Oh well. Justice has been served. hahaha. ahahah. hah. ha.

And this type of case is just 1 out of hundreds which happen on a daily basis in-game. It seems My Opinion, not yours! So Shut The Hell Up *lol (yes you the one reading it now, unless you have somebody beside you as well, tap him/her in the shoulder and tell him/her, to shut up as well and just read on) besides, it's not like anyone can do jack about it *XD that since the usual culprits are those who happen to be Regular and/or Big Cash Chargers.. instead of receiving equivalent punishment, whomever has Administrative powers shows LENIENCY (at its highest level, mind you) instead. Like I said earlier, their Level of Discretion is totally absurd. in fact, discretion shouldn't even be the word used as it means "judging wisely" which is, in no manner, their trait.

Or maybe such leniency and favoring is not really (or just) based on these culprits being great paying clients, but maybe.. just maybe, its because of the fact that if Softnyx actually acts in accordance to their policy, then we just might end up seeing a rough estimate of 200 players only throughout the whole game?

Hmmm.. lets enumerate the usual Violations (seen at the Forum and In-Game) and its specific punishment:


So based on such, it is safe to presume that should have received a Permanent Ban Punishment.. but as obvious as it is, she (yes its a she, i know.. i know, i too thought it was a he *lol) has not received any form of punishment. *VNS! Softnyx

And how about those players who are fleeceable or are left with no choice since the only way to get specific  high in price gold-only avatars (in order to at least have a not-so-much-of-a-fighting-chance) is through such..



As for this moron being in the same guild still, but ranking up and/or changing IGN, I couldn't care less. Only thing I wonder about is, if he received appropriate punishment as well. And this is just 1 example out of hundreds as well. You'll see other rooms which have titles such as "Stay20x Win Ava"etc.

I need not put a sample screenie for other cases such as rampant Racism, Cursing , Inappropriate ID or Guild Name and Advertising Hacked Game Rooms (though others just bugle such to lure those who actually are more enticed by hacked games compared to those that aren't, since in hacked games even if they lose, they still gain double/triple the amount of GP and Gold compared to standard games)

So we have 2 crystal clear examples of which fall under "Miss-use which is obviously, no surprise at all.. misspelled  of the free board" category that considers Spamming, Advertising, seless i believe the word  should have been "senseless" posts, attacking individuals, spreading rumors or other un-acceptable which didn't need a dash behaviors are not to be tolerated (Such contents are to be deleted without any warning.) as Punishable Offenses and "Abusing (Faking Wins/Loss, Using third party program/ Using a bug in the system for one's self benefit)" category that states "If any user is found unfair play actions (Double killing, Ice tag Hacking tools, botting etc) or deceive (free kills) other users to gain extra GP or Gold will be punished".

For the first category, first offense gives a 3-day ban, 2nd.. half a month ban and on the 3rd and last offense, a Permanent Ban. But as obvious as it is, neither was given to iiiPwnGayLy and His Lover *lol and if any of you are gonna say, I should get banned too since I said supposed mean words as well? again... learn how to "READ" and actually "COMPREHEND". Go Figure.

For the next category, first offense gives a Ban for 7 days,GP and gold 20% decrease from account. 2nd.. Ban for 7 days,GP and Gold 30% decrease from account. and lastly, Ban for ever which obviously should be spelled as forever GP and Gold 50% decrease from account. which in all honesty i find quite stupid as what is the point in leaving behind 50% of either Gold nor GP if the culprit will be permanently banned. ZzZz But since I have no means in tracking IceEclipse's whereabouts to check if he actually received any form of disciplinary action, I can't really say if they did their job.

Oh well.. I Rest My Case. For Now Bwahahahaha >:) !!! hehe XD

Friday, February 5, 2010

Lv.10 Enchant Challenge

Click on Images to see Full Size *Thx 


1. Wait a minute!? Is this a joke? as it's written, any "Lv1" not 2 , 3 nor 4-10. Does this mean The ONLY chance of actually taking part in this Event is if players with avatars/items (that aren't "Lv1")  are purposely decreased in Level? (which have the possibility of such getting Destroyed) or is it Softnyx's way of making its clients charge/re-purchase avatar/s and/or item/s that are at Lv1?

2. Don't panic people *lol *XD I'm just clarifying the latter part *Noob~ *Sorry ~ The first part states "Well, you know that it is difficult to make Lv10 enchant avatar or item from (hold your breath.. keep holding it.. keep holding it... *T^T 911! 911! *XD) Lv4 or Lv5 (PHEW!!! *VNS! *Thx Softnyx * : ) ) and Fortune Stone is expensive. So we release (what? what do you release? Nooooo! haha) "Challenge Lv10 Enchant" system to make Lv10 enchant avatar or item easily. YouIt  will need needs More Than only 990 Cash purchase at least 20 EA, just to be sure. We ​ ​a​p​o​l​o​g​i​z​e​ ​f​o​r​ ​t​h​e​ ​i​n​c​o​n​v​e​n​i​e​n​c​e​.​ ​W​e​ ​t​h​a​n​k​ ​y​o​u​ ​f​o​r​ ​b​e​a​r​i​n​g​ ​w​i​t​h​ ​u​s​.​Y​o​u​r​s​ ​S​i​n​c​e​r​e​l​y​,​ S​o​f​t​n​y​x​ ​C​o​.​,​ ​L​t​d​.

Now which is which Softnyx? Level 4 and 5 is included, how about ava/s and/or item/s @ Levels 6-9, are they counted as well? or does it have to strictly start at Lv1? coz if you say ALL Avatars and Items from Levels 1-9 are considered as well.. since Lv1 gains a +1 as soon as the challenge starts, does that mean that Lv2 becomes 3? 4 becomes 5? 5 becomes 7 (oops *NT * lol ) and so on and so forth..

a) Yes?
b) No!
c) *Noob~
d) All Of The Below *XD

3. So as soon as the player gives this event a shot, its a sure +1 in Level even before clicking "CHALLENGE!! - Yes? No? Maybe? It Depends? Whatever? Your Mom? Your Dad? How about siblings? and relatives? *XD *lol

4. Closely pay attention to the info on "ALERT", tsk tsk.. Anti-feminism huh? tsk.. tsk..  Yes, we all understand that your Cards are equivalent to the likes of Gambling which is based on mere Chance as well. But ey, Your clients deserve to see the 2 remaining results as well, regardless if they won or not. So it's either 3-clicks or 1-click. Take your pick Softnyx =D

5. Hmmm.. A positive thing (FINALLY! hehe *Thx) The possibility of avatar/s and/or item/s getting destroyed will not happen. But! does that mean that the avatar does not decrease in Level as well? and will remain in whichever +Level it was given before the Challenge itself?

Let us compute as if im any good at math ROFL, but ey, im on 70% Feel 15% Landmark and 15% windchart *VNS! *Noob~? *NT *XD shall we..

as I've stated in Valentine Event #3, Enchanting avatar/s or item/s straight to Level 10 in 1 blow @ ONLY 990 Cash is WT%$#@! *VNS!  *XD Though, the results vary and are based on pure luck (!) (?) I wonder how random the results really are.. or have they locked out or made adjustments to result settings like say.. purchase 10 "Challenge Enchant" and 1 will give you a sure shot at Level 10 (making that 9,900 Cash), or would it be @ 20 EA?  Yay O_O" *lol One will never really know hehe *NT *Thx *lol

Let us use FHH's (<-- Click Me XD) "Enchantment Guide" since, too bad, there isn't any other guide to better compensate for lack of skill to help us do a sample/basic computation of Standard Enchanting vs Challenge Enchant Lvl.10 (ahhh make up your mind Softnyx, its Either Lv or Lvl * : S)

"To enchant Avatar properly, one must use the proper combination of powerful Jewels. For Level 1-4: Use Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Shield Stone. Note that if you have expensive Avatar to enchant, such as Frozen Warrior / Ice Observador / Pheoenix, buying a Shield stone for Levels 1-4 is highly recommended. After Level 5 (<-- I Think you meant "At" not "After" ? or you really did mean at Level 6?), a Fortune Stone is necessary. So after Level 4 ( See what I mean.. Ahhhh.. why couldn't you just say "At Level 5" -.-" so much for Basic English *lol): Use Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Fortune Stone. Either way, you usually must spend 4 Stones to enchant.

Note: One can enchant safely from Level 1-3 with just Spirit Stone, with just a slight chance that avatar may be destroyed. Use Spirit Stones on cheap Cash Avatar such as Halloween 2006, Valentine Candy, and Korean Ghost. From Level 3 to 4 for cheap Avatar, make sure you buy at least Nihility and Nirvana Jewel.

Each year there are events in which enchantment gives +2 Levels per Fortune Stone. Take advantage of such events when they occur."

For those new to "Enchantment" - "Enchanting", you first need to know which avatars/items are "Enchantable". That's easy.. all enchantable avatars / items have a "Lv" and a corresponding Number  (depending on which Level it has reached already) appended to its name. But if you can wait till Season 3, they will be releasing 4 VERY EXCLUSIVE "ENCHANTALoL" Avatars. Punky Brown Head, Hawaiian Body, Red Nose Glass and Vampire Casket Flag. Only EnchantaLoL to Lv.10. Stats will increase by None. but at least you're cool. ahhahahahahahaha but seriously, sooner than expected, all avatars will be enchantable :)

What you need to do in order to start the Enchantment / Enchanting process.. simply click on the avatar or item then click on "ENCHANTMENT" after which you will just have to click on the corresponding slots (which stipulate specific enchant item needed) then click on "CANCEL" Knowing you, you'll try to cheap shot it by pushing your luck  with just Spirit Jewel and think you'll actually be able to reach Level 10 without destroying your Mobile Card(s), Avatar(s) and/or Item(s) "UPGRADE". 

Keep in mind that majority of players who have been kind enough to share their stupidity and cheapness experience/s have suggested that upgrading with Spirit Jewel alone on CASH Avatars should only be pushed as far as either Level 3, or if you're really stubborn and hella cheap Lucky, up to Level 4. As for GOLD Avatars, some have been really lucky as they were born on the year of the RABBIT but were either too drunk or too addicted and focused on this game that they lost all common sense and started thinking that their buck-teeth were actually fangs making them feel like a TIGER at that moment *lol were able to enchant such up to Level 5. 

Do not forget, the purpose of the "Shield Stone" (as far as I know, but feel free to correct me ok? *Thx) is to guarantee that your Mobile Card/Avatar/Item does not get destroyed. but as for decrease in level? *I honestly wouldn't know.. Cash Hoes? Anyone?

See instructional screenies instead of wasting other peoples time and asking them the same old thing every now and then  below for better understanding



Going back to our computation based on  FHH's (<-- Click Me Again lol) "Enchantment Guide" see screenie below for Enchant Items and its prices

Hmmm.. So..

For Gold Avatars Only = Levels 1-3 and/or 4 = Spirit Jewel Only (300 Gold EA)
For Gold Avatars Only = Levels 4-10 and/or 5-10 = Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and/or Shield Stone + Fortune Stone? or should this be used only on Levels 6-10? (800 Cash/300 Gold vs 1,700 Cash /300 Gold vs 11,600 Cash/300 Gold)

For Cash (Low Costing) Avatars Only = Levels 1-3 =  Spirit Jewel Only (300 Gold EA)
For Cash (Low Costing) Avatars Only = Levels 3-4 or can it be pushed to 5 as well? as what was said "make sure you buy at least Nihility and Nirvana Jewel."
For Cash (Low Costing) Avatars Only = Levels 5-10  Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Fortune Stone as well? or can Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and/or Shield Stone suffice?

For Cash (High Costing) Avatars Only = Levels 1-4 = Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Shield Stone.
For Cash (High Costing) Avatars Only = Levels 5-10 = Spirit, Nihility, Nirvana, and Fortune Stone. As what is said "you usually must spend (a minimum of?) 4 Stones to enchant (at these Levels?)"

So based on the info mentioned above.. it's safe to presume the following VS computations:

 800 Cash/300 Gold 
1,700 Cash /300 Gold 
10,700 Cash 
11,600 Cash/300 Gold
(with better chances of achieving a Level up)


990 Cash 
(with less chances of achieving a Level up but gives a random [?] chance at an automatic Full Level )

I've wasted my free time yet again *lol done my part, now go take your pick * : )

New Item2s

Click on Image to see Full Size *Thx


  • Did these come from the "Idea Contest" and the only ones that made it? 
  • If not, Oh.. Ok. *lol, If so.. are there still succeeding Ideas-Items to be released, but on an undisclosed date?
Invisible Bomb
- What exactly did Softnyx mean by "cannot see other plays" Eh? o.O? Not even "cannot see other players" will be right seeing that this is a "Bomb" -.-" Argh with your descriptions.. Pfft! -.-"

Blast Umbrella
- Does the "Shield" effect happen to be like the of the pet Verne? (2 Force Mirrors on each side)

Moe Dril (just one L seriously? or Typo?)
- Hmmm.. so its effect is like that of Aduka SS. Meaning its a pass through SS. So what if the mobile of the user of this item2 was using A.Sate, does that  mean that everyone (including teammate? or just opposing team?) who gets passed by the SS will receive the exact damage as what a normal SS of A.Sate would give?

Over Angle
- Decent Item. Not overpowered. Not much advantage vs the hack that gives 360 Degree angle for free *lol

Double Jeopardy
- Bad enough the settings of a Nukes Pit + its JD-Shot 2-Like-Effect is CHEAP on its on, Ahhh.. Softnyx just had to add up its unfairness.. Tsk Tsk..

As I've said in Discontent: Item2-Pet-Mobile Card, Under Item2 / a) & c).. Hopefully Softnyx gives consideration by making most of them purchasable by Gold as well, doesn't matter if they pump up the price in gold.. as long as its attainable by those who don't charge cash as well (then again, with the rampant hacks on play/unpatched, oh well..) and The MOST IMPORTANT SOLUTION that will actually BOOST COMPANY SALES and IMPROVE GAME STANDARDS.. LESSEN THE QUANTITY (20 / 50 / 80 EA  or  better yet.. 15 / 40 / 60 EA) AND RAISE THE PRICE! Then you'll see who actually uses such wisely.

A little bit of compromise and fairness will go a long way Softnyx. 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Valentine Event Part II

Click on Images to see Full Size *Thx 


1. "Chance". Not "Change" (Discontent: Grammar and Typos)
2. It's either "Dreaming Of " or "Waiting For" (Discontent: Grammar and Typos)
3. Softnyx said "All".. how come these are the only ones shown? or are these just examples and there are others?
4. Will these Avatars/Items be released all having the same levels? Since it is stipulated as "Enchanted"  (at Level 2 and above) and not "Enchantable" (at Level 1) and what level would that be?


For those who didn't notice the screenie at Valentine Event, The Unlimited Avatar Prizes (Ice Observador Body / Octopus Flag) for Charging 60,000 - 89,999 Cash is at Level 4 / Level 5 which IMHO is the BEST bargain compared to that of 90,000 - 119,999 amount. Then again, it shows a head of an unknown avatar? and its unknown stats as well (or is it just me who isn't well aware of such an ava? *Noob~ *Thx *XD) . See Valentine Event #6

1. What did Softnyx mean exactly by "drawing" the most 2 popular couples?
2. And what would those Prizes be? (Hopefully neither of those prizes would involve Unlimitless Avatars)

  • 2/10 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/11 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/12 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/13 - Cash Players Only
  • 2/14 - Cash Players Only
  • 2/15 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/17 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/18 - GET KILLED (ROFLMAO !!!) 10 Times, Game Fixing FTW! So its WIN-A-PRIZE-BUT-GET-BANNED?  *Noob~ *Thx *XD
  • 2/19 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/20 - Cash Players Only
  • 2/21 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/22 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/24 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/25 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/26 - Cash Players Only
  • 2/27 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 2/28 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 3/1 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 3/3 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players (make up your mind. Its either Lightning or Lightening unless you're trying to stress out on the fact that this mobile has a split personality *lol)
  • 3/4 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players
  • 3/5 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players and This Day is PH Event Day *XD
  • 3/6 - Cash Players have a better chance, but Non-Cash Players can stay up all day and try their darn best XD  ahhh you little devil you huh >:) hehe.. Those who are gonna join PKK's (<-- Click Me XD) Campaign and even Non-Cash Players will have to struggle on making a decision on this SWEEEEEEEEEET DEAL: 



So lets see.. 30 EA Level 50 "Cash" Pet (though there are only 21 of them and 2 in "Gold) but if you get the same "Cash" pet, System will Redraw Automatically. Meaning what? the redraw is considered a -1 in count  and given a replacement?! or is it just a -1 in count?!?!

Hmmm.. So that's 1,197,000 Cash (1 EA Pet Legend Level 50 Card = 39,900 Cash, Prize being given out is 30 EA)




 just 3,000 Cash (1 Day 30% Hidden Mobile Ticket) and/or 3,500 Cash (1 Day 50% Hidden Mobile Ticket)
  •  3/7 - Again, Cash Players have a better chance, but Non-Cash Players can stay up all day and try their darn best XD. And again...ahhh you little devil you huh >:) hehe.. As stated above, those who are gonna join PKK's Campaign and even Non-Cash Players will have to struggle on making a decision on this SWEEEEEEEEEETER DEAL:

252,000 Cash (5 EA Legend Card = 42,000 Cash, Prize being given out is "30" EA) 




just 3,000 Cash (1 Day 30% Hidden Mobile Ticket) and/or 3,500 Cash (1 Day 50% Hidden Mobile Ticket) 

Sweet Deals? or was the Quantity ("30" EA) stipulated a mistake?

Will this be yet another:

"W​e​ ​a​p​o​l​o​g​i​z​e​ ​f​o​r​ ​t​h​e​ ​i​n​c​o​n​v​e​n​i​e​n​c​e​.​ ​W​e​ ​t​h​a​n​k​ ​y​o​u​ ​f​o​r​ ​b​e​a​r​i​n​g​ ​w​i​t​h​ ​u​s​.​

Y​o​u​r​s​ ​S​i​n​c​e​r​e​l​y​,​
S​o​f​t​n​y​x​ ​C​o​.​,​ ​L​t​d​."

?!?! Only time can tell hehe *NT *Sorry~ *XD

Think about it.. why the Legend Mobile Card is a sweeter deal compared to that of the Pet Level 50 Card. With the case of MC, there's no Redrawing, Next is, a player can only use 1 pet at a time, which isn't really much of an edge compared to results of an MC NoobUser.  *OMG *Help *lol
  • 3/8 - Equal Chance for Both Cash and Non-Cash Players, ahhh.. Unlimitless.. *T^T still.. *Thx *lol (I wonder, what does J stand for? as for A.Sate.. it actually means Adium Satellite *wink*)

1. Make up your mind Softnyx, will they collect Heart Marks or "Hear" Marks? *XD v^_^v <-- *lol
2. Fair Enough Event as Non-Cash Players will just have to play more vs charging cash and gaining more marks
3. What are the Primary (Bigger Gift) Prizes and what are the Secondary (Smaller Gift) Prizes? And as always, Hopefully neither of those prizes would involve Unlimitless Avatars.


As i've stated in On-Going Petition, Softnyx.. Do not compensate your mishandling and lack of focus/management and abrupt solutions with mere Events and/or Events-with a catch (Offering prize/s which lead to yet another means of charging cash e.g.  Photo Membership prize given away during the 2nd week of Mobile Mission) nor by throwing out a "Sale" and/or coming up with new items and game features..

Stick to the unfixed/unsolved MAJOR issues/cases before anything else.
